Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Schneider Seems to "get it" Lemberger... Not So Much

Finished watching the board meeting.  Well the intellectual lights just weren't shining that bright tonight.  

Schneider seemed to understand the situation the board was in but wasn't really able to explain it so Lemberger understood.  Let me try a little more bluntly than Schneider:

For every dollar you take OFF the table (middle school re-alignment, media staffing, start times, etc.) you have to find somewhere else to cut.  Since Administration has brought forward the plan they think is best, it is up to you  Lemberger to suggest alternative areas to cut.  That certainly didn't happen tonight.  

Oh and by the way you can't cut $120,000 out of the budget and then find alternative funding and then count that cut again... it is still only $120,000 cut not $240,000  (I thought Math and Science went together???)

So how long do you think the next meeting will last?  Do you think by the end of the meeting the BOE will have $2.2M in cuts approved?  


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Copy and paste DUD(e) (or should we call you plaigiarist?): Get a life.

Suggestion for questioning: Since the first poster has stolen their post from the newspaper, it would be appropriate for you to remove it.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Questioning said...

5:29 Agreed and Done!

Posters please try to keep on topic.

Anonymous said...

Quid Pro Quo!


Anonymous said...

Quid Pro Quo boy is probably figuring out which one of his toys that the taxpayers paid for is going to be sold.

Anonymous said...

Inappropriate, uncalled for, and nasty comment. Take that, Mr. Jealous. Anyhow, if it's paid for why would he sell it?

Anonymous said...

The level of disdain displayed by some toward union employees is fascinating. We hear complaints about those comapnies that pay wages that are barely a living wage, yet we still see the same posters who over and over diss those people who are earning a decent wage. Instead of being so negative and angry toward the unions and their members, why not direct that anger to companies who should be paying the worker bees decent wages instead of lining the pockets of their CEOs? You naysayers might also want to think about the taxes we'd be losing if these union workers weren't earning what they do. Try looking at the glass as half full instead of half empty and direct your frustration toward a place that can better be served by it.

Anonymous said...

The issue as I see it has more to do with the type of unionization. As a taxpayer, I have to fund public sector wages and benefits through my taxes.

Government jobs require taxes to fund them, and I think that because you are requiring the taxpayer to fund the compensation, that funding should be connected to the taxpayers ability to pay.

As you are seeing at the state, local, and even school district levels, the local property taxpayers are not able to pay increased tax levees. Government must either reduce compensation or reduce the workforce.

Reduction in spending is not “disdain” it’s just the best way to run any organization. In this period of economic depression everyone should reduce spending. Individuals, business, industry and government.

Anonymous said...

And again, without decent wages there will be even less taxes collected. Call it whatever you want, but your attitude needs to go toward those not paying decent wages so that more people can have a decent income rather than making everyone earn less money.

Anonymous said...

So you're saying the only way to have people earn a decent wage is to have taxpayers front the money?

That's just not right.

The unions in the private sector are making concessions just to keep their jobs, that should be no different in the public sector.

You just can't keep going back to the taxpayers for more money and expect they have the money to give.

Anonymous said...

Keep on missing the mark. Ignorance truly is bliss, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Explain the mark I'm missing?

My whole issue is about who pays for what.

As a taxpayer, I want my state and local governments to cut costs and eliminiate waste and excess rather than have my taxes raised.

If I don't get a raise, I don't want to pay for a raise to the guys that pick up my garbage.

Anonymous said...

That's a great mentality. Typical selfish attitude. And people like you claim the unions are just out for themselves. You're no different. Just jealous.

Anonymous said...

It is disappointing that there are "those" that continue to suggest that just because a board member doesn't support a resolution, it is up to them to come up with alternatives. Perhaps the "alternative" to this position is, if the board doesn't agree with what Administration is recommending, they should fire them! Because they are being asked to do their job if they don't agree with what they recommend.

Anonymous said...

It is disappointing that those who continue to reject what the administration brings forward do so because they don't like it but refuse to offer up something better. The board members who reject the adminstration's plans must have something better in mind, so they should be all too happy to enlighten us with their intelligence and business savvy. Time for them to put up or shut up and if a budget doesn't get passed, let the state take over the district. That'll look good for naysayers on the board. These board members said they had answers so let's hear 'em. They are being asked to do what they promised to do during their campaigns. If they don't let's vote them out or recall them when the timing is right.

Anonymous said...

It's a good bet our new board will be more effective than the previous BOE. This BOE seems to be driven to do the will of the taxpayer, and not be held hostage by special interest groups. Ben Schneider II will make a much more effective BOE President and he will bring dignity back to that position.

Anonymous said...

You mean like when Schneider yelled at a taxpayer sitting in the back of the board room from the table where the school board sits? That kind of dignity? I can hardly wait.

Anonymous said...

He corrected a person that was being rude and obnoxious. To a point where she was interrupting the meeting. He did it in a tasteful and appropriate manner.

I have no fault in that... perhaps it should be done more often and not be limited to the audience. There have been a board member or two that could have used correction in the last few years. Hopefully, that time is gone and we are able to move forward.

Anonymous said...

You said:
Keep on missing the mark. Ignorance truly is bliss, isn't it?

I responded
Explain the mark I'm missing?

...and am still waiting for a detailed explanation.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You mean like when Schneider yelled at a taxpayer sitting in the back of the board room from the table where the school board sits? That kind of dignity? I can hardly wait.

May 11, 2009 10:01 PM

What does the above post mean?

Schneider "yelled" at 'a taxpayer" sitting in the back of the board room? When? Why? Who was the taxpayer?

Or, is this the time Teresa Thiel was flailing her arms, rolling her eyes, and talking to herself and displaying her intolerance and she was called out on it? Does the blogger care to explain what he "yelled"?

Anonymous said...

I doubt she was flailing her arms, but even if she was, Schneider handled it poorly and with no decorum, especially since the taxpayers are the bosses (see how that works?). He also showed preferential treatment because he made an issue of her "behavior" he didn't like but allowed a parent to kick over a chair and blurt things out when leaving the same boardroom, never saying a word to the person. Hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

"He also showed preferential...."

The above poster needs to open their mind.

The issue is Teresa Thiel is not a very pleasant person and hates anyone who disagrees with her. Just read her blogs over the years. Her board room behavior was unacceptable and she was being disrespectful and was called out on it. I hope she does it again and Schneider sees her as it should be entertaining to see how he handles her unprofessionalism.

You see, this is the first time in years the board President is a professional. No tatoos showing. No talking out of both sides of the mouth. No passing the buck. It is nice to have a professional to conduct board meetings as professionals don't tolerate unprofessional conduct.

Obviously, the public agrees.

Just look at the election results!

Questioning said...

Let's get back on track shall we?

What's with a meeting at noon the day before a regularly scheduled board meeting? Was someone trying to avoid public comments? Noon is not very convenient for people who work. Doesn't seem to have considered the public in setting this meeting up?

Anonymous said...

Is that the organizational meeting? I believe the city council holds theirs at noon also.

I'm astounded that the existing sitting members were not re-elected and a new group was installed. Seems the taxpayers wanted some new representation.

Anonymous said...

Thiel acted on way and Scheider has acted like a stubborn brat who is condescending and pigheaded. Just because smile as you say something nasty to another does not make you professional and if Schneider were to talk to Thiel again like that he was be just as wrong as you think she was. But why didn't he call out the other person who actually exhibited what the law would consider disorderly conduct? Like someone said earlier Schneider's a hypocrite.

Questioning said...

4:52pm... No it wasn't the organizational was a meeting on budget cuts. As the paper said... a hastily called meeting. Why the rush and the noontime meeting. I have to wonder is it a way to avoid public comment?

Anonymous said...

Everything on the agenda yesterday was on the agenda last Wednesday. There were plenty of people who showed up, so I think yesterdays meeting was moot on that regard. Lots of people showed up to comment at that meeting.

Anonymous said...

Schneiders our guy. He's the leader and had wide voter support. Thiel and the crew she backed lost by a fairly wide margin. His agenda will be "the" agenda for his term so get used to it.

Anonymous said...

What you will see now is how tolerant and how well these liberals on the board work together with those trying to clean up the mess Mcdermott and Bowen created. Should be interesting.

Clearly, as evidenced by the election, the public is feed up with these board liberals that have run us into the ground!

I see yesterday, the board voted on cutting some from athletics. I read it passed but don't know who supported. Did all board members support?

I am suprised the members on the board beholden to any and all special interest groups would actually support this cut. They need all the help they can get come election time.

Anonymous said...

Bowen and McDermott did not support cutting athletics and did not propose anything to make up for the difference.

Anonymous said...

Despit the time, there were several of us in attendance at the meeting.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that $20,000 goes a long way toward making up the $500,000 Lemberger wants to take off the table.

Anonymous said...

Schneider's a hypocrite and just becuase he was voted back on the board this time, he could be voted off next time. Get used to that.

Anonymous said...

But until if or when that would happen, he's the President....GO BEN!

Anonymous said...

So what that he's the president. He still has only one vote and he's still a hypocrite. Yes Ben please go.

Anonymous said...

I see the new prez and his cronies couldn't do much better than those "overpaid adminstrators" in trimming the budget, huh? Their first big opportunity to make all those changes they promised and they fail. What's that expression about talk being cheap?

Anonymous said...

You just sound like a big ol' whiner...just another naysayer. More cuts are coming soon. Get ready.

Anonymous said...

Threats and empty promises. You're the naysayer and you don't even know it because you don't understand the word. More cuts coming soon? The budget's passed, so get a clue and don't write things that make you look more foolish than you are.

Anonymous said...

Yeah and they MIGHT put a whopping $20,000 in the maintenance fund... a FAR cry from the $2,000,000 promised...

Anonymous said...

Actually, the board majority locked in all administrators in contracts before the new board took over. They effectively tied their hands and it appears the exercise they went through revealed that. At least this new board went through it line by line. The previous board just rubber stamped this budget cut and now the new board has to live with it!

Look for the new board to make some cuts to administration, SAGE, close a school or two, eliminate the lease at EAST, etc..

Give it some time folks. They inherited a big mess. These problems were not created overnight. They won't be solved in one board meeting.

It is interesting to note the board members who voted to change elementary start times to late starts for all elementary schools voted against a modest cut in the athletic budget. HMMMMM.

Anonymous said...

Not only did the previous board give the current board a 2.2 million $ defict, they provided another nearly 2 million for the following year.

Anonymous said...

Whah, whah, whah. Keep on crying about past boards. It's so becoming and definitely fits your style. Donesn't change the fact your heros said they could fix things even though they know the contracts were locked in. Totally unimpressed with the 3 naysayers on this board. But alas, Becker is up next year and we can send him packing just as we did a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

Is this Teresa Thiel's new site?

It seems like she came back with another blog?

Or on a minimum, this is produced by someone who has her views!

Anonymous said...

Your point is what? It doesn't matter whose blog it is. If you don't like it, don't come here. It's an amazingly simple concept.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if any more layoffs will occur?
It's really a scary time to be a teacher right now it seems. I bet teachers never thought it would be like this with Obama in office. Just think if Bush would still be President!!

Anonymous said...

What words of wisdom you offer. You're filled with nothing more than sarcastic comments directed at teachers. So what have we got on these blogs? Naysayers and jealous haters. Boy am I glad I'm not you.

Anonymous said...

Gov. Jim Doyle and lawmakers have been struggling with how to make up the state's budget shortfall, which grew by $1.6 billion this month to more than $6.6. billion. Doyle said he expects to release his plan next week..

"There are going to be more cuts, and the cuts are going to be in every aspect of the budget," he said.

The governor said last week that he would lay off up to 1,100 state workers, force almost all of the state's 69,000 employees to take 16 unpaid days off over the next two years, and cut state agencies by more than 1 percent to balance the budget.

More layoffs ahead it seems.

Anonymous said...

Other than your obvious delight whenever union workers get layed off, what does that have to do with this? In the longrun the public suffers when there are layoffs because services we've come to expect will not be as readily available, etc. Bet you'll be bitching the loudest over that, won't you.

Anonymous said...

Yeh, teacher's really have it bad. Retire at age 55. Taxpayers pay your full insurance benefits until medicare. After a few years in a district, you can't be let go unless you are guilty of treason, and, on top of all of that, you make on average of $ 50,000 per year even though your year is 9 months worth of work!

Where do I pick up an application?

Anonymous said...

Don't bother. It's hard to imagine you qualifying. That's quite possibly why you despise them so much. Besides if you think it's only 9 months of work you'd be in for a harsh awakening and probably wouldn't want the job.

Anonymous said...

Great article in the NW this weekend. Bet the teachers didn't like it. Exposes the really cushy comps and benies they've had all along. Something like average of $80,000 for a teacher in Oshkosh total comp package. Ya you guys got it so rough. My fiends (some with degrees) are out of work and just as educated as you guys. Yet all the teachers union does is bitch, bitch, bitch that teachers need more and more. I'm pissed an I know I can't do much, but I'm still really mad that they can't see us guys who pay them cause we pay taxes don't have any more to give teachers who have alot already.

Anonymous said...

"Besides if you think it's only 9 months of work you'd be in for a harsh awakening and probably wouldn't want the job."

Actually, it's 9 months plus Easter break OFF, Christmas break OFF.

Man, does a job get any easier than that? Plus, you make what many would call upper middle class wages. Heck, the average teacher makes MORE THAN THE AVERAGE FAMILY IN OSHKOSH! And we wonder why there are such huge annual deficits!

Anonymous said...

So apply already if you think you can cut it and it's only 9 months. Won't you be surprised.

Anonymous said...

Too bad you didn't apply yourself in English 4:56am... your post is rife with grammatical errors... and I doubt the average family in Oshkosh has a Masters Degree... that does count for something. Oh, and don't forget, teachers are taxpayers too.

Anonymous said...

LOL..."Oh, and don't forget, teachers are taxpayers too."

So you get to pay yourself.
That's just too funny!!

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, when you have no argument you make jokes. Now that's funny.

Anonymous said...

Gone are the days when organizations gave equivalent increases to all organization members. These salary increases, in the one percent to five percent range, sent the wrong message to underperformers. They left organizations with too small of a budget to adequately reward their top performers. While many companies still use this as their salary criteria, forward thinking organizations are thinking about salary and compensation in a very different way.

According to an article on the SHRM website (you must be a member to access), to get the attention of your better performing staff members, you must offer a variable pay rate of seven to eight percent, in addition to their base pay. A system that rewards better performers cannot reward all staff members alike. In addition to sending the wrong message, your pool of money is not unlimited. You must use your compensation as one of your most important communication tools, to send a message about your organization’s expectations and goal achievement rewards.

Anonymous said...

Quid pro quo baby.

Anonymous said... many teachers are going to be laid off? Your Pal Doyle needs to toss some under the bus to save his butt.
Budget cuts are coming, see if that squid thing you keep saying helps any.

Anonymous said...

You liberal bloggers need to get a clue. This district is in a world of hurt. They just renewed a lease for Oshkosh East and they cannot afford to even maintain our other two high schools.
They just gave all Administrator contracts and they can't afford reading specialists. The "they" is the previous liberal majority.

Hopefully this new board will be able to unravel the previous liberal majority's sins. They sure handed them a bag of rocks and they will certainly have more tough sins to correct.

It will take some time as the previous liberal majority locked in all the idiots guarding the hen house into contracts for a few years, so hopefully, this new board will send these incompetants packing for a new job once their employment contract expires.

Anonymous said...

Nasty, nasty. Your argument loses credibility when you resort to name calling.

Anonymous said...


As a teacher, you are expecting a 3% or greater increase in this down economy.

As a teacher, your are expecting out-of-work taxpayers to cough-up more money in taxes to pay you more?

You think your position has any credibility!?

Anonymous said...

You just lost more credibility by making assumptions. You're batting 1000.

Anonymous said...

Another naysayer who doesn't support the average taxpayer.

Anonymous said...

Get a dictionary. Until you do don't use words you don't understand. You'll loo less foolish.

Anonymous said...

2:03 - What did that add except more negativity and naysayer attitude. Support our new board and let them attempt to correct all the mistakes made by the past administration.

Anonymous said...

Get a dictionary. Until you do don't use words you don't understand. You'll look less foolish.

Anonymous said...

The majority of voters said yes to Monte and Schneider,
You said No.
You are a naysayer.

Anonymous said...

Okay, let's play by your rules. You said no to the ones I said yes to. You're a naysayer.

Im4Paul said...

You are in the minority here Naysayer.
The majority of voters cast votes for Esslinger, Monte, Schneider.
You seem to be on the wrong side of the majority in Oshkosh, maybe you should pack your little bags and move someplace where other naysayers whine and grumble.

Anonymous said...

You keep on believing what you want. Voter base is already losing ground for Esslinger. Becker scored some points by saying no to Esslinger and Monte, well, what can we say. She just keeps proving she's not as smart as she thinks she is. Can you say one term

Anonymous said...

Schneider is BOE President, a title he can bring respect to rather than the previous holder of that position. Monte and Schneider were top vote getters. The two incumbent BOE members lost, both of them. You most likely voted for the losers. You are a loser this time and you'll need to wait a few years to attempt to regain the "power".
Now stop being such a naysayer and support your new BOE, they are trying to clean up the mess left by the last administration and it will take time and support.

Anonymous said...

Well they aren't off to much of a start... they rubber stamped the budget, after they recinded it...they are no where near the $2,000,000 EXTRA they promised for capital projects and haven't even voted on whether to start fixing things this summer or wait till NEXT summer... oh yeah, some clean-up

Anonymous said...

Well said. The naysayers with all the answers didn't come up with much once elected, did they? The bloom is coming off the rose, just not as quickly as with Pandering Paul Esslinger.

Anonymous said...

"$2,000,000 EXTRA they promised for capital projects"

Can you point to ONE TIME anyone who won "promised an "extra" 2 million?

I thought not!

Why these liberal bloggers post this nonsense is unbelievable.

Think about this one.
The previous majority has CUT maintenance and to help fund bloated salary and benefits increases and all the liberal supporters of this incompetetance can do is put down those attempt to reverse this. How sad is this?

The majority of us that voted see through this liberal blogger nonsense. Just look at the results on April 7th. No more Traska and no more Kavanaugh. Soon, no more Bowen.

I just hope the northwestern starts putting the names of the members of the board who voted for these bloated increases in years past (Bowen and Mcdermott) and as they identify the reasons why we are in this mess, they identify the liberal faces that have voted to present this mess to us.

Anonymous said...

Yeh, the new board inherited a 2 million dollar deficit, soon to be more thanks to Jim Doyle and Gordon "co signed mortgage" Hintz and it's the fault of the new board members?


Anonymous said...

Think about this one.
The previous majority has CUT maintenance and to help fund bloated salary and benefits increases and all the liberal supporters of this incompetetance can do is put down those attempt to reverse this. How sad is this?

gotta protect that teachers union...remember, "it's for the children"

Anonymous said...

Comments from the likes of 4:11 and 7:08 show what fools these naysayers be. Nice to see the real mentality of those supporting our elected naysayers.

Anonymous said...

What does naysayers mean? What point are you attempting to make?

You seem to compare the previous majority and the decisions they have made as SOUND and the ones who want to correct this are described as NAYSAYERS. Can you explain your point.


Anonymous said...

And for the record, I didn't support Traska, Kavanagh as I felt their past decisions on paying too much for labor contracts (84% of the budget) and paying for a third high school, spending tons on a referendum most of which failed, have lead us to a bad situation. Problem is now, their past contract settlements they paid for are fixed and our revenue is going down so how did they do a good job leaving the "board a better place"?

I find it unfair to characterize those who oppose this as "naysayers" when it is simply using common sense to not increase your fixed costs more than is obsolutely NEcESSARY when your revenue is variable and projected to DECREASE. That's economics 101. Problem is most elected officials never took that course!

Anonymous said...

With recent info about what the State (Doyle) must do, I'd say the teachers and most every other "public sector" employee (other than perhaps corrections) is in for a rough ride. I think the gravy train might soon be de-railed. About time!

Anonymous said...

Under the law you can't take away their pay or benefits so all you can do is lay people off. When that happens others will be overworked and classrooms growing too large. Who suffers in the end? The kids and the taxpayers. Talk about gravy trains and derailment all you want. You and I will pay the price one way or another. So much for smugness.

Anonymous said...

"All you can do is lay people off"!

HMMMM. Looks like the teachers union is really an "advocate for kids". Won't they take a voluntary pay freeze "for the children"? That was a great suggestion in today's paper. I wonder how they will respond once the proposal is floated? Time will tell how "much of an advocate for children" they are.

All us peons have been taking unpaid time off and pay cuts while these "advocates for children" continue to get guaranteed raises.

Some people need to realize the world outside of the school system isn't all guarantees!

Anonymous said...

I think Schneider's idea is excellent. I hope the board agrees to float this idea and see if the unions will take the leadership role like our Administration did and took a pay freeze. Our Administrators have been working short staffed on top of this and they provided a great example of leadership others can follow!

My boss took a big reduction in his pay so his department could be saved from some pain. It may not be enough but it was a great jesture for him to do that.

Teachers union and the other unions need to demonstrate they are living in the real world. I'll be watching!

I am glad to see some board members coming up with ideas to this. It seems fair to do so as in past, Adminstration floats ideas and the board just shoots down. Nice to see some leadership for a change versus, just trying to pass a dumb referendum.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The UAW thought they were "all that" not too long ago, now look at them. Much weaker and impotent. Things might run similar in the teachers union if they don't wiseup.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Truth hurt? (quid pro quo)

Anonymous said...

Not at all. But our ignoring your repetitive hatred and jealousy of people better off than you must. QUID PRO QUO, BABY.

Quid Pro Quo said...

Representative Gordon Hintz issued the following statement regarding his decision to return 16 days of his legislative salary over the next two years as part of the bi-partisan effort to cut state spending. Following Governor Doyle’s recent announcement of a 16 day furlough for all state employees over the biennium, many legislators have decided that they will return 16 days of their salary. The Wisconsin State Constitution prohibits legislators from being furloughed.

"The current economic downturn has had a devastating impact on our economy as well as state revenues, which has threatened our government’s ability to fund basic services, schools, and tax relief. As a result we need to find equitable ways to fund these crucial services without placing a higher burden on Wisconsin families that are already struggling. We are asking Wisconsin state employees, legislative staff, and their families to make a significant sacrifice in these difficult times, and it is only fair that we in the Legislature do the same.”

Anonymous said...

Yes? And?

quid pro quo said...

As a result we need to find equitable ways to fund these crucial services.....without placing a higher burden on Wisconsin families that are already struggling.

We are asking Wisconsin state employees, legislative staff, and their families to make a significant sacrifice in these difficult times, and it is only fair that we in the Legislature do the same.

Wisconsin state employees - significant sacrifice

Will quid pro quo help here?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Gordon Hintz's dad needs to OK his giving back some money? You know, his dad co owns his house and his mommy still makes him bologna sandwiches for lunch.

Anonymous said...

Stop with the name calling. Gordon is a hard working aspiring career politician that has what, working in the private sector for never?

Anonymous said...

You people are spoiled brats who are just jealous. I bet you couldn't get someone to help you out if even if you bribed them. BTW, lots of reasons someone may need a co-signor on a loan. It doesn't always mean you have bad credit. Nor does it make a co-signor the co-owner of your poroperty. What fools you naysayers be.

Anonymous said...

Somehow a group of sheep came to the conclusion that saying NO (naysayer) was a bad thing.
I disagree. I think in many cases, the only correct answer is no. Saying yes is the reason we've gotten into some of the financial and economic trouble we now find ourselves in.

Anonymous said...

Naysayers don't say no once in a while or when necessary. The naysayers in Oshkosh say no to everything. Remember Dan Becker's campaign slogan "Vote yes for me so I can vote no for you"? He and his ilk are naysayers.

Anonymous said...

And yet Becker was the only one on that board looking out for the taxpayer. The others are in the hip pocket of WEAC and Len H. (Union) and spending our money like it was water.
I think that this new board is going to take a completely different tack with how they deal with spending my money.
If thats what you call naysayer, I say thank God for naysayers!

Anonymous said...

Becker only looks out for what's important to Becker. Same with Lemberger, Schneider, and Monte.

Anonymous said...

Becker only looks out for what's important to Becker. Same with Lemberger, Schneider, and Monte.
Which based on those who voted for them....means they look out for the majority of voters.

Good point! Never would have thought of that until you mentioned it!

Anonymous said...

In what universe does looking out for themselves equate to looking out for those who elected them? Besides, they're supposed to be looking out for everyone, not just their supporters.

Anonymous said...

In the oddball universe of Naysayers Anonymous, inhabited by those already mentioned and few others.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it great. For the first time ever, the board majority appears to have the majority of Oshkosh in mind. And they spoke on April 7th and just didn't whisper. They said loud and clear to the idiots on the board. Pack up your bags and we are not taking it anymore.

Hopefully no more calendars without snow days! No more reckless employee contract settlements that are generating huge deficits the next year. No more automatic and continuous lifetime contracts for lousy administrators. No more 10 thousand dollar pay raises for underperforming staff. No more wasting our hard earned tax dollars.

Keep it up board. Your doing much better than the previous board who thought a mega million dollar school no one could walk to was a good idea!

Anonymous said...

You are so full of __it and clearly don't know what you're talking about. But I can understand your not wanting to bring facts into the discussion. You'd lose most of your argument if you did that. You're a lot of hot air. Can't wait for your heros to fail and fall on their collective asses. My ears will be wode open to see if the level if your bitching is as loud then as it has been.

Anonymous said...

How is that constructive, 12:40? My teenager also trots out the "you don't know what you're talking about" defense whenever he is on the losing end of a battle.

Here are some facts:
The voters overwhelmingly voted to put new blood in the BOE.

Those people may or may not perform to the liking of the majority of voters.

The 'new' board has already made sound decisions.

The 'new' board seems to be working together in a way that is far more constructive than the 'old' board.

Let's root for them to continue in a positive manner and not root for them falling on their 'collective asses'.

Think positive and hope for the best, not the worst.

Anonymous said...

Believe whatever you want to believe. Can't wait for those union haters to see the handwriting on the wall snd your anointed board members to fall.

Anonymous said...

Seems like you're full of hatred. No wonder you make such nasty comments and look for others to fail.

Look for good, pray that people do right. Think positive!

Anonymous said...

It's positively a given that they will fall way short of their promises. They led voters to believe they could do all sorts of heroic things, when the laws are such that some things are just not possible. That's not hatred, nasty, or negative. It's reality.

Anonymous said...

The hatred, nasty, negative comes when you look for and even relish others' failures.

Anonymous said...

The word first used was "fall" not "fail" - a Freudian slip on your part maybe? Still it's not hatred, nasty or negative to expect the obvious. They can not accomplish the many things they promised and the very nature of politics is to use those failures (your word) against them. If you don't like the way politics are, stop blogging about them.

Anonymous said...

Oops. I don't know if it was Freudian or Jungian but I do think that fail and fall are synonymous in the statement.
You cannot bully me by telling me to stop blogging. It seems you are the one who doesn't like the way politics are.
I'll continue to think positive, look for good, and call you out when you're being nasty.
Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

You were told if you didn't like politics or the things that go with it to stop blogging. It only makes sense to get out and not get yourself so worked up. If you want to blog, have it, but others have a right to their opinion and the fact that some who currently serve got there because people like you think they can make good on promises and suggestions of reining in salaries and benefits is disingenuous. They know the laws are such that to do that would be next to impossible. They will fail in their efforts, just like the city lost on so many arbitration cases. I think the school district has lost in the past too. There's nothing wrong with or negative in being gleeful over these people being "called out" on their inability to keep promises. BTW, spare us the have a nice day comments because that is just as insincere and the words of your elected heros. The blogs are not your personal pulpit. Much better to stand on your deck or porch and preach to those who will listen.

Anonymous said...

Temper, temper. Sounds like you're getting awfully worked up.
I'm not trying to censor opinions. I do believe that opinions should be shared respectfully, and that is why I called you out. I can find common ground with most people, but I look for it. You seem to look to find differences. I wish there was emoticons here then you would know that my end comment was sincere. Since there are not emoticons I'll spell it out: This is most sincere: Please, have a nice day, get some sunshine, and look for good. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm not getting worked up at all. Just saying what I think. You don't have clue one about what I look for or don't look for. And so you don't have to guess anymore about it, let me spell it out for you. I look for politicians to not promise what they can't possibly deliver. And the things they do promise, I expect them to deliver. Since there were certain things promised by some now in office that they absolutely can't deliver, they will fail. When that happens everyone will see them for the frauds they are. Since they spent so much time and energy pointing out others' shortcomings it's wonderful when their own can be pointed out. Now that's a nice day.

Anonymous said...

You seem rather defensive and this isn't constructive. Perhaps it is best to let this lie.

Anonymous said...

Guess you're outta gas 5:14. Smart to quit before you get further behind.

Anonymous said...

What is it you are referencing when you indicate "what was promised?

There has been much discussion (probably from the same blogger) about "can't deliver" or "not delivering on what was promised" but there is no mention of what "was promised". Please enlighten us anonymous blogger!

Anonymous said...

I wonder is anonymous blogger supported Barack Obama? They write: "I look for politicians to not promise what they can't possibly deliver. And the things they do promise, I expect them to deliver"

Please answer anonymous blogger, did you vote for him?

What has our socialist President delivered besides a hundred billion $ monthly deficit our grandkids will be paying for?

Anonymous said...

Good grief, the man has been in office 5 months and is already making progress. Your man Bush (league) was there 8 years too long and left Obama with the problems he's digging us out from under. Take off your blinders. Oh that's right, you'd rather see nothing than the truth for what it is.

Anonymous said...

I think 10:49 might also like to add that Obama did not make ANY campaign promises that he can't keep. LOL It is absolutely hilarious that he excuses Obama because he's only been in office 5 months but our board has been in office much less, inherited a load of difficulty, and has made progress. Who is talking about blinders?

Anonymous said...

Excuse me but 10:49 said Obama has made progress also. Things are already getting done. Exactly what progress has the school board made in accomplishing what Ben Schneider, Michelle Monte, or even Dan Becker for that matter during their campaigns? They've flamed about salaries and benefits forever. Have we seen a change there? Nope, and you're not going to because of quid pro quo laws they can do nothing about. Yeah they've looked at a building here and different options there but they've accomplished nothing yet. Hell, they wouldn't even give up their pay as a symbolic gesture. Gimme a break.

Anonymous said...

This is too funny; Read the two copy and paste;

Anonymous said...
Good grief, the man has been in office 5 months and is already making progress. Your man Bush (league) was there 8 years too long and left Obama with the problems he's digging us out from under. Take off your blinders. Oh that's right, you'd rather see nothing than the truth for what it is.

June 15, 2009 10:49 PM

Anonymous said...
Excuse me but 10:49 said Obama has made progress also. Things are already getting done. Exactly what progress has the school board made in accomplishing what Ben Schneider, Michelle Monte, or even Dan Becker for that matter during their campaigns?....

Obama in office for 5 months and Monte Schneider in office not much more than 5 weeks and see the double standard.

They inherited a 2 million deficit and another 3 million on its way. Thanks to the previous board and Jim Doyle.

And, I thought Administration with their 10k pay raises were supposed to do something too? Or, is in on the shoulders of board members (who you don't think should be paid)?

Did the socialist Obama give up his pay? He made over a million dollars on top of what he is getting paid for being president! HMMMMMM.

Class dismissed.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I'll respond to your progress question soon after they have more than the what, two regular board meetings!

In addition, I'll point out we wouldn't be in such a heap of trouble if you would have actually attempted to hold board members accountable that were in the majority for all their years for being responsible. I'll point out that they couldn't manage when things were good. And now things are bad, at least we have good people trying to save us for their reckless decisions!

Think about it, the previous majority stunk up the joint when revenue was increasing. And that is a reason they got booted off. The public recognized we cannot keep elected idiots that created our problems and expect them to solve them! Just ask the incubments that got booted!

Anonymous said...

How about we just dismiss your comments? That's a much better option. When you look at the big picture, time some incumbent members served versus time others served, and the vast array of other facts, it's easy to see you make the same old argument but really don't have much of a leg to stand on. Come time when your heros' terms are up you'll see how the voting public can be very fickle as they fall by the wayside. Byebye.

Anonymous said...

I'll respond to the last one.

The voting public responded in April by awarding your hero's (Wayne TRaska and Dennis Kavanaugh) retirement. And, it wasn't even close. They lost their seat by thousands of votes to top vote getter. Pretty impressive the top two vote getters did so well considering they don't have a union spending an incredible amount of time and energy making phone calls campaigning on their behalf.

Look at the past majorities vote records and then look at why were in this mess.

Next question............

Anonymous said...

Since you mentioned it, what exactly has Tom Mcdermot, Wayne Traska, Amy Whineshime, Dennis Kavanaugh, Karen Bowen done that is so good?

Please answer me ONE THING they did that puts us in a better financial position!

Just give me ONE THING!

Anonymous said...

School districts all over this nation are in similar situations so there goes your argument against some of our former board members. I might also add that Ben Schneider and Dan Becker have also served a number of years on the school board and while they may have been in the minority with many of the votes they also have been divisive and unwilling to compromise. That never lends itself to successful outcomes. We're already seeing some of these "new" members' options are all that great when it comes to cost-saving either. As someone else has already very aptly stated, "when you look at the big picture, time some incumbent members served versus time others served, and the vast array of other facts, it's easy to see you make the same old argument but really don't have much of a leg to stand on. Come time when your heros' terms are up you'll see how the voting public can be very fickle as they fall by the wayside. Byebye."

Anonymous said...

Soooooo. I guess you can't give me ONE THING they did that was good?


Interesting how Karen Bowen served for a few decades and can't name ONE THING she did that improved the district's financial position!

How about it, can you NAME ONE THING????

Anonymous said...

Did you say this too during the last campaign that Monte and Schneider wouldn't get elected. You wrote the following:

Come time when your heros' terms are up you'll see how the voting public can be very fickle as they fall by the wayside. Byebye."

Last time I checked, last election, they not only won, they blew away the liberals that delivered this mess!


Anonymous said...

A day later and still no answer..


Anyone, Bueller.

Anonymous said...

Intelligent bloggers. If you ever run across an blog were the liberals that support the Bowen's and Whineshimes, just simply ask ONE THING they did to put us on good financial ground! That will shut them up.

I wonder if they will say that spending another 15k per year for JJ Keller field put the district on better financial ground while at the same time, they were cutting reading specialists.

I guess the community learned the hard way that liberals and big budgets are a disasterous pair!

Anonymous said...

They've done a ton of things.

They have negotiated away the farm to the unions over the years (in exchange for election year support).

They supported the third high school and paying rent of over 100k per year when "they" can't afford to maintain existing buildings.

They supported adding more foreign language programs when they cut the middle school foreign language programs (chinese).

They supported 100k of fencing for the tennis courts at north high (board majority kids gone or will go to north high) even though they can not afford to maintain the roof at the elementary school a few blocks away (oaklawn).

How's that for the blogger who asked name one thing they did!
That's several...

I agree, board liberals and big budgets just don't mix well. They did a unbelievably poor job of running this district and now we all are suffering.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the above post on "board liberals and big budgets just don't mix". These guys and gals have run this district into the ground, with help of incompetant administration, and WE ARE ALL PAYING THE PRICE!

Anonymous said...

Go easy on the past majority. Especially the two incumbents that took last place. They did such a "great job". They did a great job of not seeing the trees for the forest and being two more members that instead of providing sound leadership, voted YES to unaffordable and unsustainable resolutions that has added millions to this deficit mess!

At least the new board has the votes to begin to unwind and untangle this unbelievable mess.

Anonymous said...

Past majority is more like a rudderless vessel!

Enough said.

No one can name anything positive they did to enhance the district's financials in their majority regime? How sad is that?

Almost as sad as what the new board has to do to rectify their sins!

Anonymous said...

Noted. Not one thing they can provide that they did during their "regime"! What a joke.

What ain't no joke is the mess they delivered to this new board. They even delivered the unsolved problem of what to do to their storm damaged maintenance building! The previous boards were as much of a disaster of the storm that cause damage to the building.

But don't blame me, I never voted for these incompetants!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So how about it, as someone has been asking, can ANYONE name one thing that the previous board did to improve the district's financials?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Its been a few weeks. Any supporters of the previous disasterous majority wish to chime in on what they did the improve the district's financials?

Lets see, they messed up this district, and then, they support Jim Doyle and Gordon Hintz in Madison who in turn, mess up this district by cutting funding greatly. Talk about incompentance.

I hope more come over to the conservative side that we see what liberalism gets us!

Anonymous said...

Been over two more weeks! Anyone have any answers to the previous post or is the liberals only solution to raise taxes to fund their past mistakes?

Anonymous said...

What a turn of events, it seems in the past few weeks, Michele Monte either turned into a liberal or it was finally discovered she was.